All works are copyright Billy and Brad Porter © 2004 All rights reserved |
Named after philosopher John Locke.
He broke his parents' hearts by
deciding to major in art in college
instead of a "real" major. A full
time student with no real job, Locke
lives with his friend Burk. An avid
gamer, he can often be found wearing
clothing with some kind of game reference.
Locke has no real drive to do anything
besides game. This has left his social
life totally dead, but Locke doesn't
seem to mind except for the fact of
scaring every girl he's ever met.
After trying the college scene, Burk
Dropped out after only attending for
two weeks. Though not a paying student,
Burk often shows up to Locke's classes,
sometimes to learn and sometimes to
annoy the teacher. Working at the local
game store he often trades his paycheck
for games. During work, Burk earned
Locke's respect and friendship by
defeating him in a sudden death match
in Halo. A feat yet to be re-accomplished.
He is very cynical and sardonic especially
to customers who he feels don't deserve
to be in the store.
Hobbes is the bane of Locke's existence.
Hobbes tries hard at whatever he does.
He currently works at the local movie
theater. Time and time again he abandons
Burk and Locke to hang out with the
opposite sex. No one even remembers how
they became friends. Even though he does
have some what of a cool factor going for
him, don't underestimate his gaming skills.
He is better at Burk at a good shooter,
but is no match for him on the dance pad.
He can go toe to toe at a good FPS, but is
no challenge for Locke. After being kicked
out of their dorm, Hobbes allowed Burk and
Locke to move in with him. A decision he
may end up regretting.
Leena goes to the same college as Locke
majoring in computer science. She works
at the book store where she first met
Locke. She has already had a crazy
adventure with the guys involving a pirate
ghost. Leena has mad skills on the dance
pad. But her true passion is role playing
games. She may seem cute and sweet, but
she won't think twice about going up side
your head with a folding chair.
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